C1 Exam

In addition to our standard B2 exams, all students who have completed three semesters of our C1 course (or two semesters of the C1 course after previously attaining our B2 qualification) may take a non-compulsory ACERT C1 Test of English. The ACERT C1 Test of English is offered by colleges and universities affiliated with the Network of University Language Testers in Europe (NULTE). The test covers all language skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening) as well as the practical use of English grammar and vocabulary. A strength of our test are its interdisciplinary tasks which cover the following areas: academia, personal and professional development, economics and technology. The choice of testing techniques combined with two-level verification (in-house as well as external revision by SERMO-appointed reviewers) ensures that the test is both reliable and valid. Students who have successfully passed the ACERT C1 Test of English receive bilingual certificates issued by SJO and recognised by SERMO. The test is organised once a year - during the summer examination season. If you are interested in our Mock Test please contact your language teacher or one of our Directors of Study.